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Other nursery school in Valdinievole
Pigiama Party
Ranocchio Nursery school
Transport assistance
Via Il Ciuccio Nursery school
Post school Ponte Buggianese
Pre and post school
School beyond the school- SOS
Summer camp
Winter camp
Young people
informs young
Ox youth center
Day care center for elderly
Erasmus Thinking project
Sharing coworking spaces
European project
Other nursery school in Valdinievole
Pigiama Party
Ranocchio Nursery school
Transport assistance
Via Il Ciuccio Nursery school
Post school Ponte Buggianese
Pre and post school
School beyond the school- SOS
Summer camp
Winter camp
Young people
informs young
Ox youth center
Day care center for elderly
Erasmus Thinking project
Sharing coworking spaces
European project
Training Selvacoop
Community social services for children and young people
Post scuola Pezzettino 0/6
Nuove Opportunità per la Prima Infanzia Benvenuti al POST SCUOLA PEZZETTINO 0/6, un progetto educativo innovativo situato a Buggiano, all’ultimo piano della scuola dell’infanzia “Carozzi Sannini”. ...
Spazio gioco Pezzettino
Nuove Opportunità per la Prima Infanzia Benvenuti nello spazio gioco PEZZETTINO, un progetto educativo innovativo situato a Buggiano, nell’ultimo piano della scuola dell’infanzia “Carozzi Sannini”....
Nido d'infanzia Il gomitolo
Benvenuti al Nido d’Infanzia Il Gomitolo, una nuova e vibrante realtà educativa aperta a novembre 2024 e situata a Chiesina Uzzanese. Questo spazio è stato pensato per accogliere e sostenere bambin...
Nido d'infanzia Mago Merlino
Il nido d'infanzia Mago Merlino, accoglie bambini dai 12 ai 36 mesi. Il nido d'infanzia Mago Merlino è un ambiente accogliente che mira a supportare e favorire lo sviluppo globale dei bambini in c...
Other nursery school in Valdinievole
Since 2006, the Selva cooperative has managed kindergartens in many municipalities of Valdinievole (PT): Serravalle Pistoiese Larciano Buggiano Ponte Buggianese
Pigiama Party
It’s a monthly event, which offers the opportunity for children (1-6 years) to spend a fantastic evening with friends. It takes place at the Frog Nursery and runs from 19:00 to 23:00. The cost i...
Ranocchio Nursery school
The Il Ranocchio Kindergarten, opened in March 2018, welcomes 26 children from 12 to 36 months. The Il Ranocchio kindergarten is a welcoming place, able to support and promote the global growth of...
Via Il Ciuccio Nursery school
The Nursery school Via il Ciuccio, opened in September 2013, welcomes 12 children from 12 to 36 months. The Via il Ciuccio kindergarten is a welcoming place, able to support and promote the global...
Transport assistance
We take care of the assistance during the transport home/ school and school/ home with school bus for children of kindergarten. An apparently simple service, but if done with professionalism and l...
Comunità educante
Comunità Educante: Un Progetto di Crescita Condivisa Il progetto Comunità Educante nasce con l’obiettivo di trasformare la scuola in un luogo di comunità, dove ogni bambino e ragazzo possa sviluppa...
Consulenza genitoriale
Sappiamo che la vita familiare può essere piena di sfide e difficoltà, ma non dovresti affrontarle da solo. Il nostro team di professionisti altamente qualificati e dediti loro lavoro può aiutarti...
Diventa un Animatore di Centro Estivo con Selva Sei pronto a vivere un’esperienza unica e a diventare un punto di riferimento per i più piccoli? Il nostro corso per animatori di centro estivo è l’...
Post school Ponte Buggianese
Extra-school socio-educational service after school of the Municipality of Ponte Buggianese that we manage, reserved for children from 1 to 6 years (attending kindergartens in the municipality of P...
Pre and post school
Reception, animation and surveillance service before and after school lessons in primary and secondary schools. During the service, operators plan and carry out educational and recreational acti...
School beyond the school- SOS
Participation and fun, seriousness and continuity are the watchwords that distinguish our work carried out in a positive social climate that allows every child to express himself, his potential a...
Summer camp
The Summer Camp consists in the design, programming and delivery of summer extracurricular activities for children and teenagers. The proposed activities are playful and socio-educational, able to ...
Winter camp
The Winter Camp consists in the design, programming and provision of extracurricular activities for children and teenagers. The proposed activities are playful and socio-educational, able to guaran...
Diamoci le ali is a social service aimed at boys and girls aged 18 to 25. It is an exeperice of co-housing between young people aimed at recognizing the rights of any individual to housing, socia...
informs young
Ox youth center
The legend of Buggiano says that an avid commander gave his legionary the land that an ox skin could cover. He cut it into strips and delimited a city. Housed in a former slaughterhouse, the OX Yo...
Si può fare
Il concetto di famiglia oggi è in estrema evoluzione, donne e uomini si ritrovano a dover fronteggiare innumerevoli sfide quotidiane senza la possibilità di avere sempre un giusto ed effettivo risc...
Young people
Day care center for elderly
The Cooperative, since 1 July 2012, carries out activities of daily animation at the Day Center for the Elderly of Monsummano Terme and Pescia. The animator gathers the needs and needs of the gues...
Erasmus Thinking project
For the year 2019 the only reality in the Province of Pistoia to have obtained the financing of a project for School Staff training. Launched on June 1, 2019 with expiry in May 2022 due to the hea...
European project
We work with local or international partners developing projects within the European programs, with the aim to spread European culture in Italy and bringing public bodies and the Third sector clo...
Play Learn Act Ensure
Il progetto Plae nasce con l'obiettivo di fornire strumenti educativi ed inclusivi agli insegnanti ed educatori per sensibilizzare e lavorare sugli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDG) con gl...
Sharing coworking spaces
Sharing coworking spaces We share different work spaces for: OfficesCooking training courses Parties - Public or privateClassroom for training activities FOR INFORMATION ON METHOD OF USE, REG...