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Other nursery school in Valdinievole
Pigiama Party
Ranocchio Nursery school
Transport assistance
Via Il Ciuccio Nursery school
Post school Ponte Buggianese
Pre and post school
School beyond the school- SOS
Summer camp
Winter camp
Young people
informs young
Ox youth center
Day care center for elderly
Erasmus Thinking project
Sharing coworking spaces
European project
Other nursery school in Valdinievole
Pigiama Party
Ranocchio Nursery school
Transport assistance
Via Il Ciuccio Nursery school
Post school Ponte Buggianese
Pre and post school
School beyond the school- SOS
Summer camp
Winter camp
Young people
informs young
Ox youth center
Day care center for elderly
Erasmus Thinking project
Sharing coworking spaces
European project
Training Selvacoop
Comunità educante
Comunità Educante: Un Progetto di Crescita Condivisa Il progetto Comunità Educante nasce con l’obiettivo di trasformare la scuola in un luogo di comunità, dove ogni bambino e ragazzo possa sviluppa...
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Consulenza genitoriale
Sappiamo che la vita familiare può essere piena di sfide e difficoltà, ma non dovresti affrontarle da solo. Il nostro team di professionisti altamente qualificati e dediti loro lavoro può aiutarti...
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Diventa un Animatore di Centro Estivo con Selva Sei pronto a vivere un’esperienza unica e a diventare un punto di riferimento per i più piccoli? Il nostro corso per animatori di centro estivo è l’...
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Post school Ponte Buggianese
Extra-school socio-educational service after school of the Municipality of Ponte Buggianese that we manage, reserved for children from 1 to 6 years (attending kindergartens in the municipality of P...
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Pre and post school
Reception, animation and surveillance service before and after school lessons in primary and secondary schools. During the service, operators plan and carry out educational and recreational acti...
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School beyond the school- SOS
Participation and fun, seriousness and continuity are the watchwords that distinguish our work carried out in a positive social climate that allows every child to express himself, his potential a...
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Summer camp
The Summer Camp consists in the design, programming and delivery of summer extracurricular activities for children and teenagers. The proposed activities are playful and socio-educational, able to ...
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Winter camp
The Winter Camp consists in the design, programming and provision of extracurricular activities for children and teenagers. The proposed activities are playful and socio-educational, able to guaran...
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